
Scheme map: Your pension journey

Use this map to navigate around specific areas of this website. You can either click on the icon on the map itself or use the left and right arrows next to the text.

Tax relief

The contributions you pay into the Scheme will receive tax relief. Click here to find out how this works.


Keep the Trustee updated with any change to your circumstances as the Scheme offers financial protection for your loved ones. You can update your beneficiaties by completing an Expression of Wish form and sending it to the Administration team.


If you are going through a divorce, you can expect your pension benefits to be included in the joint assets. It is possible that the Court will issue a pension-sharing order and award a share of your account to your ex-Spouse or ex-Registered Civil Partner. For further information, please contact the Administration team.

You may also need to update your beneficiaries which can be done by completing an Expression of Wish form and sending it to the Administration team.


If you become ill and as a result can no longer work, you may be able to retire early and take ill-health retirement (subject to Trustee discretion and meeting the provisions in the Scheme rules for ill-health). More details can be found here.

Death in service

Knowing your loved ones will be looked after in the event of your death is important. Click here to find out how your family will be protected.

Leaving service

If you leave BAA, you will automatically become a Deferred member of the Scheme. The benefits you have earned up until your date of leaving will remain in the Scheme and will increase between your date of leaving the Scheme and the date you decide to retire to offset the effects of inflation. More details can be found here.

Receiving my pension

When it comes to taking your pension, you have some choices to make. Click here to find out more.