
To be considered for ill-health benefits, you will need to be determined eligible by the Company based on medical evidence and provisions in the Scheme Rules. Ill-health retirement is at the discretion of the Trustee.

Subject to the approval of the Trustee (drawing in some circumstances, on the advice of a registered medical practitioner), you may be able to take your pension benefits early. The benefits may be reduced to reflect early payment to the extent the Trustee considers appropriate.

Request for ill-health retirement

If you are an Active member:

You will need to contact your HR or payroll department.

If you are a Deferred member:

You will need to write to the Administration team with your request.

Complete a form

You will be provided with ill-health forms to complete and return to enable the Administration team to provide the Trustee with the information required for them to act on their discretion.

Receive a quotation

If your request is accepted, you will receive an ill-health quotation along with the options available to you.

Confirming your choice

You should complete the paperwork you receive indicating your chosen option and send it back to the Administration team.

You will then receive confirmation of your choices and when you will receive your payments.

  • The earliest you can receive your State Pension is when you reach State Pension Age. Visit the www.GOV.UK website for more information.